#8 What is your Superpower?

It’s been now the second or third week in full crisis mode. I see most of you fighting, having back to back meetings. Pulling all your passion and energy into saving jobs, saving your people and teams, and trying to forecast what is actually not even possible for scientists to do.

Last week, one of my clients asked me in a brief call in between Zoom Meetings (the hate and love of all of us) from 8 am morning to 9 pm night. Non-stop. Quick lunch and bite, and next to home schooling her kids – luckily they are a bit older and get it all by themselves.

  • How can I get my team engaged?

In those times, there are no right or wrong answers. You know your team best and know exactly what they need right now. But it might be the case, that you are too committed and dedicated, and caught up in those endless meetings, that you forget about your most important asset. Your superpower. The superpower of your team. The superpower of your company.

No need to start a strategy meeting to dive into this.

Remind them and yourself of your superpower. Your strenghts, gifts, your identities, why you are all fighting together.

We’re all in this together.

During your next meeting, try this and start your time with those three questions:

  • What is your superpower?
  • What is our (the team’s) superpower?
  • And what do you think is our company’s superpower?

Take 10 min before the meeting and answer them for yourself first.

Those answers will get you on a more scenic road of the crisis.

The answers you get, will get you through this crisis all together. And your clients and everyone your team contacts next week, will feel it.

If you’re up to, share your 3 answers and I’ll promise, I’ll reply to everyone of you in person.

If you have a hard time answering them for yourself, let me know as well.

If you feel that there is absolutely no time to get those 3 questions in your next meeting – let’s keep it real.

Keep on rocking, Warriors and Worriers!

And never forget: You can juggle it all – in your way.

​Yours, Gertraud

​PS: And special shout out to everyone of you, who is juggling small kids and co-working at home and still making an impact. You amaze me and I do not have words how much energy it takes to get this really working.