“I want
one moment in time.
When I’m more than
I thought I could be.
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
and the answers are
all up to me.”
The juggle is real! For many of us, the balance between life & work feels intense right now.

There are moments full of beauty & joy.
And there are moments when we feel exhausted & out of touch.
Our first impulse is to recharge, to collect inspiration and to enjoy nature in all its glory. Why not retreat for a weekend or week, a month, a sabbatical?
But the holidays are still too far away.
That’s why we offer a full day away from work. Not more, not less.
It is rare that we block one full working day for ourselves. Although it sounds so easy. Only take one day off and recharge your batteries again, do yoga and dance. Be in nature and eat amazing food. Drink a glass of wine and enjoy laughter at the bonfire in the evening. This one day will help you to fuel up your soul again, and create your next season the next day exactly how you want it.
Go on: Rewind, Pause & Fast-Forward your life.
Level Journal

We really believe that the best ideas for yourself, for your dreams and your people around you come in a space of joy, stillness and inspiration.
So, we created ✨ GROW BETWEEN THE GRAPEVINES | YOUR Retreat-Day to recharge for your new season in life ✨🌳.
Three Chapters wait for you on April 27th out in the woods at the beautiful Weingut Tauss in Leutschach:
The past: REWIND. Discover your unique talents and how your story has shaped them. Owing your milestones, challenges and proud moments. Feeling accomplished and grateful where you are in your journey now. Gertraud helps you see the unique talent you are and the richness that lies within you.
The now: PAUSE. All we need is a healthy body, and nourished soul – to do what we want in life, and to be who we wanna be. Margret guides you through fine body and dance work. Discovering your own power within you again, and find lightness in creating your next season in life.
The future: FAST-FORWARD. Can you already feel the spark of inspiration again? Allow yourself to dream, to manifest, to see the future. Katharina provides you with some tools to unlock inspiration within you. So that you’ll leave with some ideas and a direction you want to grow towards.

We’ll gather a diverse group of women walking on very different paths in life. From different parts of the world, in different seasons in life.
Full of joy and still lost in our days.
Adventurous and craving to feel home.
Full of talent and no clue where to start to bring that light into this community.
It’s powerful to be who you are in a very unknown group of like-minded people.

Curious? So April 27, 2023 is for you!
It’s not your ordinary Thursday! It will be a day for walking with a small group of inspiring women in the lush woods, and vineyards. Take a powerful look back. Craft a compass for this year and the next time. Draw rituals for yourself that will guide you through the ordinary days when you tend to lack energy.
A conscious day in in Southern Styria with soul food and sunshine in our face, and a bit more clarity of what we really want and need in our hearts.
Together with my soul friend and yoga teacher Margret, and our ally, writer & creative director Katharina Maria, we’ll provide a whole day for you at Weingut Tauss and working on inspiring questions:
✨ What do you really want – in 2023, in the next years to come, in this new chapter?
✨ A new season in life is coming…what unique talents will guide you? You only need a compass, a bit of courage and powerful rituals to rest & create joy.
✨ What’s in your way? A light dose to work on a couple of nasty obstacles that keep on growing like mushrooms 🍄
Your investment:
✨ One day off from your busy schedule – perhaps even a second day if you want to take Friday also off and enjoy a longer break for yourself.
✨ Soul Food, breakfast, light lunch and dinner (drinks paid individually there), fire in the evening, leadership workshop, yoga & dance:
EUR 239,- for the full day.
✨ You’ll get your personal copy of Level Journal. A beautifully crafted booklet. It will help you to look back, reflect on your present state and work towards your future self.
✨ If you want: you can also stay at the winery and extend your vacation. Beautiful rooms, food and sauna. Reach out to Weingut Tauss and Mrs. Tauss for more information for an overnight stay.
More details:
✨ Thursday, 27th of April – we meet at 9.00 AM morning at Weingut Tauss in Leutschach, and we’ll start our program at 9.30 AM morning. The drive from Graz is around one hour.
✨ We finish our program, dinner and fire at 7.30 PM evening. If you can, take also your Friday off and enjoy one more day for yourself. Insights and inner work always work longer within us. It is healthy to not immediately jump back into our everyday schedules and busy life.
✨ We’ll walk in the morning in the vineyards. You only need comfortable cloths and trekking shoes for an easy walk of around 1h. All refreshments will be provided. Only bring a bottle of water if you wish. The rest of the day we’ll work, dance and do yoga in the beautiful yoga room at the Weingut. Bring comfortable yoga cloths and socks. For the evening and fire, bring a light hat and jacket. All clothes welcome. If it rains, we will be creatively shuffling the program and spend the day in the yoga room.
If you’re in, let us know by March 10. Contact Gertraud via e-mail or through her Whatsapp contact. For any more questions, feel free to schedule a brief call with her. Here is the link to Gertraud’s calendar. We’ll send you payment details, and you’re all set. In case you will be sick or any urgency happens, so you cannot join us, you will receive a full coaching & leadership morning for yourself right after the date. We have only 10 spots left – and the first have already been booked!

Your travel guides on your day in the vineyards:

Gertraud Eregger | create your move
Global Career Coach & Founder of create your move. Lived and worked in HR leadership roles in Ethiopia and Jamaica. Loves to coach global talent and extraordinary human beings on their journey to re-discover joy for work and life. Works in Graz with organizations as Caritas to shape their leadership culture, and works with CINT building a true welcoming culture here in Graz for anyone coming from abroad who is trying to find home here. As Margret shared with me once: I’m connecting treasures with the world and with their world again.
Proud mum of two wild & adventurous girls. Feeling free and full of ease when riding or walking steep hills, with one intention for 2023: to be in nature, in the woods.

Margret Hausegger | Yoga Blossoms
Since 2009 Margret had been falling in love with teaching yoga. Her practice is deeply rooted in dance and Vinyasa Flow. Her sessions are grounding, energizing and you’ll always walk away with this tiny bit of widsom that you really needed to hear today. Her education in yoga therapy combines all her practice. She loves diving into her own personal education & finds rest in zen meditation. Cranio-Sacral, Nuad Thai massage & Ayurveda medicine are also part of her caleodoscope of body & soul work. Yoga Blossoms helps you blossoming. Dance & movement is her passion, and yet yoga is more than a physical practice for her. In her work, she loves to impact our being and doing – our words, thoughts and actions – so we are free, healthy and fully happy with our lives. I love to bring the deep wisdom of yoga from the version of you on the mat, into your everyday life.

Katharina Zimmermann | Eat Write Live
Katharina works as an author & creative director. She writes, edits and publishes ‚Eat Write Live‘ – travel books and other corporate media print products. She draws her inspiration from good people, a lot of reading, regular retreats and her projects ‚Echoes Magazine‘ and ‚LEVEL JOURNAL‘, which she co-founded.
Katharina lives in Graz but loves to travel the world, eat soul food, collect stories and broaden her horizon.
See you in the vineyards!
Lots of light & excitment!
Gertraud, Margret & Katharina